Sunday, January 23, 2011

Another journey.

So many times I've thought that my journey's were done and over with, however, this journey through life has many turns and twists. So, I've found that I must always be ready to continue on, sometimes on  the same road but usually on a different one.
     I can't imagine tryng to remember all of the people who have crossed my path in the past years. So many travels, so many roads and always with new people to meet, to like, to love, to dislike and even sometimes to almost hate!
     I found a long time ago that there are words inside of me that need to come out so I started writing when I was just a young woman. Oh, I've written about friends, places, times, heartaches, happiness, sorrow and all of these stories have been put in a box that over the years was almost forgotten. Not long ago I was asked to find that box and allow someone to read a story that I had written almot 30 years ago, and I did that. Thank God, I did because it opened up a renewed passion in me to write again. I've almost completed a manuscript now and so here I am, again on a new road.

Thanks for reading and listening friend.

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